Customers don't care about solutions but achieving outcomes.

This is the job of your unique value proposition (UVP). Most UVPs fall flat because they are either:

Getting your customer’s attention is the first battle. The best way to get a customer’s attention is by first getting razor focused on:

On the Lean Canvas, this is captured on the Customer segment and Problems boxes. If you get these assumptions wrong, everything else in your business model falls apart.

The customer/problem quadrant make up the outer pillars that hold up your business model and it’s key to building a solid desirability story. This is the premise behind the first Continuous Innovation mindset: Love the Problem, Not Your Solution.

While the concept of starting with problems is simple, it isn’t easy. Systematically uncovering problems, especially those that are worth solving, is challenging for a number of reasons. The most challenging one is the innovator's bias.

The Innovator's gift

Craft a killer elevator pitch