Make a plan to reach your target audience by tailoring your content strategy.

Silo Strategy

Also called "Pillars and supporting content", "Hub and spoke", "Leafs and nodes".

The more you interlink the more you demonstrate both to readers and to Google that you have a comprehensive body of work about a particular topic (in this case React)

Start with the leaves, and then collect them into a giant node that you want to distribute.

Aligns with the buyer's journey

Non-SEO journey

Example of buyer's journey of

Example of buyer's journey of

The email course walks people through the entire consideration phase.

By capturing emails at this point, it means that they stick with me through the entire consideration phase. Some buyer's journeys have a long time period between awareness and decision, then it can help a lot to put email into the mix.

One of the problems with the Non-SEO journey is that Attraction and Awareness are not really evergreen. Information lifecycle is short and you need to find stuff to say all the time. This is why you should consider both strategies and not be dependent entirely on one of them only.

Identifying Archetypes