Learn about your target audience, your niche, your competitors.
The thing that you really want to get out of your research is a hypothesis about the buyer's journey. The buying process for almost anything takes time and research. So what we want to do as content creators, as people building blogs to boost our product, is to make sure to have content that addresses the different stages in the buyer's journey.

How will you attract people?
- Organic Search (The reader have a problem any your content/product is a solution. Where people go to learn.)
- Social Networks (The reader maybe doesn't know that your solution exists, or has a problem but is not aware it can be solved. In social media he becomes aware of it)
- Twitter
- Facebook
- LinkedIn
- Instagram
- TikTok
- Communities (The reader might decide to seek advice or validation from other people in their community instead of going straight to Google. Recommendations are very powerful)
- Facebook Groups
- Product Hunt
- Hacker News
- Subbreddits
- Niche forums
- Newsletters
- Outreach (Getting in front of other people's audiences)
- Publications/Syndication
- Guest posting
- Podcast appearences
- Earned Media
- Partnerships
You don't need to do all of these things. You just need a couple of them that work really well for you.

Figuring out your "buyer's journey"
Keyword research
Competitor Analysis
Inference (Your Analytics)
Recap: What to uncover in your research
- Traffic sources where your readers spend time
- Hypothesis for your buyer's journey and keywords to match different stages
- List of competitors and strategies they appear to be using (to supplement your hypotheses)