There are 3 types of takeaways to write about in your piece of content:

  1. Question-based (subtopics)

    Can my idea be broken down further?

    What are some potential questions to explore my main idea?

    e.g. "Mindful productivity for knowledge workers"

    In order to cover all important questions, my idea can be broken down into X, Y, Z...

  2. Statement-based (key points)

    What are the main pieces of information I want the reader to remember?

    By the end of the article, the information my audience should remember is X, Y, Z...

  3. Action-based (end results)

    What do I want the reader to be able to achieve after they have finished reading the post?

    By the end of the article, my audience should be able to understand X, build Y, explain Z...

Outcome: generate as many takeaways as possible. Write down potential subtopics, key points, and end results you want the reader to take away