**Early adopters, by definition, need to have been triggered by a problem that drove them to some tangible action**. This action could range from researching possible solutions, all the way to buying, or even building a homegrown solution to the problem

People who:

are not early adopters.

Furthermore, these interviewees aren’t in the best position to tell you what to build because they haven’t yet attempted to solve the problem before themselves.

How to find early adopters

At any given time, what percentage of people are in the buying mode for a product?

The Buyer's Pyramid: Ultimate sales machine by Chet Holmes

The Buyer's Pyramid: Ultimate sales machine by Chet Holmes

So where would you start?

  1. Start with active buyers to learn

    Study how people are actively buying. We don't have a product yet and we are not ready to pitch, so this first phase is very much about learning.

    Go and see, in the space we are competing, what people are doing today:

    Many techniques for doing this. We use a lot customer interviews.

  2. Go to your early adopters to refine your pitch/offer

    Look to see where we are going to place our products. So go after the early adopter segment and decide whether to focus on: