There are 3 parts to baselining your business model.

Capture your business model story

The Lean Canvas is the perfect tool for capturing your business model story on a single page. If you haven’t reviewed your canvas in a while, make sure it’s up to date.

Chart your key milestones

While the Lean Canvas describes the overall story of your idea, a Traction Roadmap helps you ballpark the key milestones in your journey using just 7 key metrics. If you haven’t reviewed or roadmap in a while, make sure it’s up to date.

Benchmark your current progress

With your Traction Roadmap created, the next step is positioning yourself on the roadmap. This not only helps you identify the stage of your product, but also your next 90-day goal.

Unlike a Product Roadmap, a Traction Roadmap, only highlights what traction metrics you need to hit and by when.

You figure out how to hit those milestones during each 90-day cycle. To do that, you have to start by identifying the key constraints (or obstacles) to achieving your 90-day objectives.