At the early stages of a product, other people struggle to see what you see. Getting others to see what you see is the first step towards prioritizing what’s riskiest in your idea and formulating an effective validation strategy.
Communicating your idea clearly concisely is a 3 step process:
Deconstruct your idea into its component pieces using a 1-page Lean Canvas.
Refine your idea through the lenses of:
Desirability: Why your product needs to exist?
Quickly establish what has changed and address why your product needs to exist
Viability: Is your idea worth pursuing?
Investors are in the business of making a return on investment. So naturally, viability is one of the top questions on their mind.
You are in investor #1 in your business and you invest with the most scarce asset: Time.
Feasibility: Can you pull this off?
This is where you back up your claims with proof and establish credibility. While the last two sections addressed "Why this idea?", this section needs to address why you are the best person to pull off this idea.
Pitch your idea clearly and concisely to others as a business model story so they buy-in